What Does the Word “Boo” Mean in a Relationship?

The word “Boo” has become one of the most used today, by many lovers in almost all parts of the world. Most times, we see young adults and teenagers addressing themselves especially the females and a small percentage of males as Boo.

This article will show you the various ways and the meaning of the word boo with other similar slang.

The Original Meaning of the word “Boo”

Boo is an endearment and caring word used to address someone you are in love with, crush on or even share affections with.

It can be used to replace boyfriend, love, honey, and other adorable pet names. Boo is a social media slang for lovers. It’s also used as Baby boo; or boyfriend by many lovers.

Origin of the Word “Boo

Boo which can be used as a substitute for boyfriend and other pet names originated from the French Word Beau which translates to beautiful.

It was mainly used in the 18th century by French speakers to mean male admirers. Until after the Caribbean island colonization by the French when almost all parts of the world including Africa and Nigeria became conversants with the word.

BOO simply stands for Before Others while its close allies BAE fully means Before Anything Else.

Synonyms of Boo and its Usage

As said earlier, Boo can be used in place of many different hearts touching words. Instead of addressing your boyfriend or girlfriend as the below-listed words; you can simply call them Boo!

  • Darling
  • Babe
  • Boo
  • Champ
  • Sweetie pie
  • Honey
  • Love
  • Sweetheart
  • Candy
  • And so many other adorable names

In case, you are conversant with its usage, you will realize some females also addresses each other as boo as well as some males. Some husbands and wives also called each other baby boo and other related slang.

Baby boo; Boyfriend and its siblings are also commonly heard or seen in unofficial conversation, social media texts, and SMS.

Do not be surprised if someone with who you used such words thinks you’re attracted or likes them. The word means a lot of things and could be translated into many meanings depending on the context it’s used.

It’s also used in undefined relationships. Rather than using a boyfriend or girlfriend, you can choose the word; boo. Since it means many things like a crush, Love, Friends, Sisters, and so on. It will save you from many unnecessary heartaches.

What do you think about the usage of the word boo? Kindly share your experience on how it is used by you and some of your close allies.

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