How to Start Pounded Yam Flour Production Business

Why you might still be complaining of no money, many are smiling at the bank doing one business or the other. believe it or not, there are thousands of lucrative businesses one can start today and make huge profits. is known for bringing to your knowledge some of these businesses and of such, we will today through this article discuss how you can start Pounded Yam Flour Production Business and make high profits.

Yams are tubers that have white, yellow, or purplish flesh that has very minimal sweetness. it’s one of the widely consumed agricultural products in all states and countries alike. There are different processes of preparing yam of which Pounded yam is one of the most enjoyed by many.

However, the traditional method of preparing this pounded yam has made it stressful for many. but with the pounded yam flour many can’t help but enjoy themselves. outside the context of personal choice and demand for pounded yam, there are several health benefits of yam that have been revealed and have in turn increased the demand for yam.

Health Benefits of Pounded Yam 

1. Heals Skin Diseases & Cures Respiratory Problems

Yam has been used as a traditional medicine in China, Korea, and Japan for centuries as it contains allantoin, a cell proliferates that expedites the healing process when applied topically on ulcers, boils, and other skin diseases. Its decoction is also known to stimulate and relieve bronchial irritation, cough, and other respiratory problems.

2. Good Source of Vitamin B6

Yam is a good source of vitamin B6 which is needed by the body to break down a substance called homocysteine, which can damage blood vessels’ walls. High levels of homocysteine can also lead to heart attack despite having low levels of cholesterol.

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3. Supports Female Endocrine System

Yam is particularly useful for menopausal women. It contains an enzyme that provides a natural alternative to hormonal replacement in women who have reached menopause.

4. Source of Energy & Antioxidant

Yams contain complex carbohydrates and fiber which gradually slow the rate at which sugars are released and absorbed in the mainstream. Being high in fiber, yam keeps you full without putting on those extra kilos. Yams are also a good source of manganese, a mineral that aids carbohydrate metabolism and is very important for energy production and antioxidant defenses.

5. Helps in RBC Production & Improves Blood Flow

The minerals present in yam also play major roles in the body. Copper is very useful for the production of red blood cells and improves blood flow in the body. Iron further improves blood circulation in the body. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, super-oxide diastase.

Skin Benefits of Yam Flour

6. Delays Ageing Signs

Yam and yam flour has amazing anti-aging benefits. It contains amazing skin-friendly nutrients like beta carotene Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and antioxidants which can help to prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging.

7. Face Packs

Boil some yam and leave aside to let it cool. Mash it properly and add a dollop of honey. Apply it all over the face and let it stay for 30 minutes. You can also soak your feet in the boiled water to calm and relax your feet. Cut slices of your yam and place them on your eyes.

Tubers have natural bleaching properties which help to reduce stubborn dark circles and rejuvenate the eyes and treat wrinkles as well.

Hair Benefits of Yam Flour flour

8. Promotes Hair Growth

Yam is considered an excellent source of natural health-promoting compounds like anthocyanins and beta carotene.

It also contains Vitamin A which is highly beneficial for cell growth, including the growth of hair. A deficiency in beta carotene can lead to dry, dull, and lifeless hair which flakes off into dandruff.

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9. Prevents Premature Hair Greying

Yam will also prevent premature greying as it contains a good amount of Vitamin B6 which creates melanin and gives the hair its colors.

How to Start Pounded Yam Flour Production Business

We can go on and on telling you the benefits but that is outside the scope of this article. considering the above health benefits which have invariably increased demand for yam products over the years thus making money for all entrepreneurs who have invested in the yam production business.

well, it’s not yet late, actually now is the best time to invest in this business, recent research on this topic has revealed to be a fertile ground for any to invest into.

Gone are the days wives/mothers will work literally hours just to prepare pounded yam, actually, nobody does it again only a few in the rural areas, they people now prefer buying pounded yam flour which ensures quality and delicate pounded yam meal but saves them the original stress of preparing it.

if you are interested in starting this business follow and reply to this thread as more information with a detailed business plan will follow soon.