Tips To Promote and Advertise Your Business on Nairaland

Join us today as we unveil to you Tips to Promote and Advertise Your Business on Nairaland, a popular website in Nigeria where you can promote your business and generate traffic easily. is known to almost every Nigerian and it is the most popular online forum in Nigeria.

The website was launched about a decade ago but is now one of the vast user-generated websites in Nigeria with over 2 million registered users and 12 million monthly visitors. That is why we have decided to show you how to take advantage of the millions of visitors on the Nairaland forum to exhibit your products and services to different audiences.

Tips To Promote and Advertise Your Business on Nairaland

Starting and running a business is not the only task of every business owner, but how to strategize and bring your products or services before prospects that will increase your sales is equally an important task. Leveraging digital marketing is important for business owners in this age and era and if you’re on the lookout for a new marketing network to promote your business online, Nairaland is your best shot. Below are 6 Tips to Promote and Advertise your Business on Nairaland.

#1. Get to Know the Community

Knowing your community or niche on Nairaland is one of the vital Tips to Promote and Advertise Your Business on Nairaland. Before you begin your marketing adventure on this forum, make sure you do your findings and foremost, you need to know the users and understand the platform.

You can create a profile using your business name in this case. Observe the occurrences in sections and forums which are most relevant to your brand. Pay attention to the conversation and learn more about users who are engaged in topics where you could contribute.

#2. Create User Attractive Contents

This online forum is all about user-generated content that can be liked, commented on, shared, or replied to by users, as such it is imperative that you post captivating contents that have the ability to attract users’ attention fast. The more your post is engaged by users in terms of likes, comments, and shares, the faster it makes its way to the front page where millions of viewers can see it.

#3. Choose the Right Forum to Post On

Another important Tip to Promote and Advertise Your Business on Nairaland is to choose the right forum to post your advert. You need to be strategic about this and not post randomly on several forums.

There are two perspectives to this, you can either go for a gig section (e.g. Investment, Travel, Programming, etc.) where there is a small number of highly engaged users who are relatively easy to convert or post to a large section (i.e. Politics, Business, Entertainment, etc.) where there are hundreds or thousands of users where you’re likely to get more traffic.

#4. Take Advantage of Nairalands Paid Adverts

If you have the money considering the number of prospects that will view your business on Nairaland, we suggest that you take advantage of Nairaland paid adverts which means your business advert is placed on the sections of Nairaland where the target audiences are most likely to be found.

That is to say, Nairaland runs a targeted ad platform placing your business at a strategic position on Nairaland Forum and where they can easily be seen.

To get started with Nairaland’s targeted ad platform, you need to, first of all, design your online banner ads using these dimensions, 318 pixels wide, 106 pixels tall. Also, the banner size should not exceed 30kb in size with a PNG or JPG format.

If you have made up your mind and are ready to take of Nairaland paid ads, visit and click “Upload Ad” to upload your banner ad and landing page, then you wait for the approval. Once your ad is approved, you will be provided with information on how to make a payment.

#5. Provide Customer Support

Providing strong customer support is also one of our highly recommended Tips to Promote and Advertise Your Business on Nairaland. An online forum is a place where people visit to get their questions answered and once you are consistently available in doing so, you have their hearts won and you can subtly begin to introduce your business to them.

You can also take advantage of “Nairaland Forum Signature” where you have provided personalized information on your social media profiles. You can post information about your business as your signature which can be found as useful and helpful customer support.

#6. Avoid Getting Banned

Bringing our discussion to a halt, you need to avoid getting banned on this forum, that is why you need to be strategic in your engagement on Nairaland. It is important you abide by the rules guiding the forum and avoid being kicked out because the Nairaland community easily does so. Upon registration on the forum, make sure you go through the Nairaland forum rules and regulations.

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That is the much we can discourse in this article where we believe that you have learned one or two things that will help you effectively maximize the opportunities that Nairaland offers. Promoting your business on the internet is one of the best and fastest ways of acquiring more customers consistently, and Nairaland is one of those online sites in Nigeria that let you do that with ease.

Make sure you follow the steps provided in this article and you are sure on your way to getting the most out of this forum than just engaging in normal social activities on the forum.

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